Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I spend most of my time, on the farm, alone. My husband leaves at 5 in the morning for work and gets home late. We don't live on the road, so I don't see people nor cars. We are in a very isolated location. When we lived in town, the county out here gave out address so 911 could find you. They forgot to give us and, we don't exist. I kinda like that. We did, however, invest in a cell booster and now can get on line and receive phone calls. Now, I'm in touch with the world. This helps with my isolation. We were snowed in twice this winter. There were some frightening moments. My husband made it home from work during a blizzard, but he could not get down the driveway. So he left the car and walked the one tenth of a mile. He said, "I didn't think I was going to make it." He was froze. We could not get out for days. Finally, a man about 2 miles away came by with his tractor and got us out. Luckily we store food and have plenty of wood. Best part. I was not alone for 3 days.

1 comment:

Maya Lee said...

It seems like you like to a loner as you like to be alone. 3 days being alone is an accomplishment especially for someone you doesn't like to be alone like me.

garden sheds