This is like the third time I have tried to post on this new blog. I don't know if it is me or blogger. Probably me. Sometimes, I just don't have what it takes.
This is my first in many blogs on mine and my families journey back to the farm. We moved from the farm to the city in 2002 and the farm has been abandoned every since. We moved because I was very ill and needed to be closer to the hospitals. The farm is very, very isolated and to get any kind of help takes way to long.
The farm is located in the Flint Hills of Kansas. An incredible place of beauty and peace. We have 120 acres there with ponds, rolling hills and chiggers.
I am well now... through the prayers of others. But, I really do not want to move back to the farm. I love my house in town and enjoy the company and comforts around me. But, I can see the signs of the times and I know that God's time is short for us. I can see that we need to leave the city and become self sufficient. The price of gas, shortages of food to come, political uncertainty, and the beginnings of religious persecution are all signs that society is falling apart. I believe that :
Proverbs 22:3A
prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.
I want my family safe from the uncertainty and I, personally, am tired of the violence, negativity and cruelty of society and have had enough. So, back to the farm we go.
We have homesteaded before, but not on the level that is needed this time. My daughter, A Homesteading Neophyte, has been homesteading for a few years now and has learned a lot. She and her family are on this journey with us.
We took the trip to the farm this weekend and found a mess. Animals and people have made a mess of the house. People have stolen the water heater, washer and dryer, lawn mower, parts off the tractor and other equipment and they have also, begun to use the land as a dump.
So, much work. But, I am up for the challenge. I love to be with my daughter and her family and our goals are the same. We will be self sufficient and make our money off the land.
Life will never be the same.